Saturday, April 9, 2011


Re-affirming our Faith
1. Read : 2nd Samuel 7: 18-29, 1st Kings 8:22-54,
1st Chronicles 29: 10-19, Matthew 6: 5-13, Luke 18:1, Romans 8: 26&27, Jude 24&25
2. The Basics
     A. What is prayer?
     B. When do we pray?
     C. Where do we pray?
3. The process
     A. Where do we find the words?
     B. How do we pray?
     C. Who do we pray for?
     D. What do you pray for?
4. The Questions
     A. Will God hear our prayers?
     B. Does God answer prayers?
     C. How do we know?
The Challenge
     A. This week, pray for every single person on one of the following lists:
a. your face book friends list     d. the church directory
b. those on your cell phone        e. members of your club
c. your Christmas card list         f. members of your lodge
     B. What was it like to pray for all these people?
     C. Did you notice anything as a result of these prayers?

(an independent Study)
Week 8, Prayer


The answers for week 7 were all personal observations.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Re-affirming our Faith
(an independent Study)
Week 7, Service
1. Read: 1st John 3: 17-18 and John 13: 33-17
2. Serving
A.We are called to serve in word and deed. Which method do you feel most comfortable using?
B. How do you serve others?

3. Being served
A. What does it mean to be served?
B. Do you allow others to serve you?
4. Together
A. How does your congregation work together in serving others?
B. What is your roll in this service?

5. Individually
A.  As Christians, we are called to serve others. Who do you serve?
B. How do you determine who you will serve?


Week 6, Worship / Why Church

A.the  lectionary is a three year schedule of readings
B. using a lectionary helps people walk through the Bible without focusing in only one reading or concept.
C. the seasons of the church year: I. Advent, II. Christmas, III. Epiphany, IV. Lent V. Easter, VI Pentecost, VII. Ordinary Time
D. we observe the seasons to help us walk though the life of Christ
E. the colors and symbols of the seasons include: I. Advent, Purple, Candles wreaths II. Christmas, White, candles III. Epiphany, green, light, star, wise men IV. Lent Purple, lamb, V. Easter, White, lily empty cross, empty tomb VI Pentecost, red, dove, flame VII. Ordinary Time, green, crown
F. What are some other symbols of our faith? Various crosses, the fish

3. Worship
worship is the praising and glorifying of God
B. attending formal “church” services helps to strengthen the community and is a place to support one another in our faith journeys.worship is the praising and glorifying of God
C. Do we “worship” outside our churches? If so, where and how? (this is a personal observation)
D. What are the parts of meaningful worship? Are these the same for everyone? (this is a personal observation)

4. The Trinity
A. The Trinity is God in the form of the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit..
B. How do you experience God the parent(Father)? God the Christ(Son)? and God(the Holy Spirit)?(this is a personal observation)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Answers for week 5

Answers Week 5
5.What are some of the challenges (costs) you have faced in your practices? (this is a personal observation)
6.What are some of the positive results (joys) you have experienced in your practices? (this is a personal observation)
7. Do the costs and Joys of your discipleship balance? (this is a personal observation)
What practices do you currently employ specifically because you are a Christian? (this is a personal observation)
What are the actions you observe of a person you perceive as a “practicing Christian”? (this is a personal observation)
What does it mean to be a disciple? According to Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary a disciple is one who accepts and assists in the spreading of the teachings of another; a convinced adherent of a school or individual.
As believers in Christ what are our responsibilities? (Love One Another, go and make disciples of all nations baptizing and teaching remembering that God is with us always, and keep the 10 commandments.

Worship / Why Church?

Re-affirming our Faith
(an independent Study)
Week 6, Worship / Why Church
Worship occurs in many places and in even more forms. This week we shall examine some of these.
1. Read Matthew 4:10, John 4:20, and John 21:15-18
B. Why use a lectionary?
C. What are the seasons of the church year?
D. Why do we observe the seasons of the church year?
VI Pentecost, VII. Ordinary Time
F. What are some other symbols of our faith?
3. Worship
C. Do we “worship” outside our churches? If so, where and how?

4. The Trinity
B. How do you experience God the parent(Father)? God the Christ(Son)? and God(the Holy Spirit)?
What is the Trinity?
. What are the parts of meaningful worship? Are these the same for everyone?
Why attend to formal “church” services?
What is worship?
What are the colors and symbols of : I. Advent, II. Christmas, III. Epiphany, IV. Lent V. Easter,
ToolsWhat is the lectionary?

Saturday, March 19, 2011 accept the Costs and Joys of discipleship

Re-affirming our Faith
(an independent Study)
Week 4, to accept the costs and joys of discipleship
We are now moving into the part of this study that some may refer to as “the real meat” of the matter. I hope this week’s study is challenging, pleasing and thought provoking for you.
Read Matthew 28:16 -20
1. As believers in CHrist, what are our responsibilities? (Matthew 22: 36-40, Exodus 20:1-17, and Matthew 18-20)
2. What does it mean to be a disciple?
In many statements of faith, Christians say that they accept the costs and joys of discipleship.
3. What are the actions you observeof a person you perceive as a "practicing Christian""
4.  What practices do you cuurently employ specificaltly because you are a Christian?
5.What are some of the challenges (costs) you have faced in your practices?
6.What are some of the positive results (joys) you have experienced in your practices?
7. Do the costs and Joys of your discipleship balance?What practices do you currently employ specifically because you are a Christian?What are the actions you observe of a person you perceive as a “practicing Christian”? What does it mean t be a disciple? As believers in Christ what are our responsibilities? (Matthew 22: 36-40, Exodus 20: 1-17, and Matthew 28: 18-20)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Sacraments

Re-affirming our Faith
(an independent Study)
Week 4, The Sacraments
In this weeks lesson, it is hoped that you will rediscover meaning in congregational practices and personal preferences as to the practice of baptism and communion. Answers to the questions can be found in your church's constitution, from the church elders, your family members and your minister.
I. Baptism
A Biblical Speaking
1. Read Matthew 3:1-17 and Matthew 28: 16-20. 1.
2. Summarize these readings.
B. Look at your certificate of baptism.1. What information is contained on your certificate?
2. At what age were you baptized?
3. Who baptized you?
4. By what method were you baptized?
C. Your church’s practices1. What is the method of baptism used in your church?
2. Who is involved?
3. When and where do baptism occur?
4 What are/were the promises made for/by the person being baptized?
5. What are the promises made by others present?
6. What was changed at your baptism?
II. Communion
A. Biblically Speaking
1. Read Luke 22: 1-20
2. What were the elements of the first communion?
3. How was the first communion shared?
B. Your communions1. When did you partake of your first communion?
2. By what method did you partake of the elements?
C. Your Church practicesCommunion is shared in many ways.
1. How does your church share communion?
2. How often do you do this?
3. Where do you take communion?
4. What are the elements?
D. Requirements to take communion1. What must one do in order to receive communion?
2. When does your church believe it is appropriate for someone to receive communion?
E. MemoriesDescribe one of your most memorable communions which you have shared.
Who was there?
What were the elements?
What made it memorable for you?